Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dream Kitchen... Fridge

In our dream kitchen we both want it to be a restaurant style. Now, I am not talking just a viking stove (which is not even used in most restaurants), stainless appliances, etc. - it goes way beyond that! I worked in a restaurant for over 8 years and I loved the open shelving, reach in fridges and the accessibility of everything.

So, in this temporary kitchen we are trying out the open shelving with foods we use most out in the open. I tend to forget what is in my pantry so I love being able to see everything I have to cook.

And speaking of everything out in the open, may I show you my FANTASY LAND fridge?!:
(sorry for the low quality pic)


The one above is way out of our price range and I think it's probably too big for our future kitchen. Below is more than likely what we will get: 
(if they still make it by the time we need it!)

I LOVE it!! I know most people think "Ew glass door?! Then I'd have to keep my fridge clean and organized!" but that's exactly why I want it. I always forget what I have in our current fridge. Not to mention, these two bad boys are the equivalent of having two freezers and two fridges!

Check out the fridge below... 4 doors for housing different items - LOVE IT!

 I would love to have stainless bowls inside to house smaller items and glass containers for leftovers.

Something similar to these two images...

What do you think?!

 - BOO

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

holy moly, that is some fierce cold space! luv the 4-door!