Saturday, January 15, 2011

The most beautiful veggie EVER...

We went to the farmer's market this morning and I saw this gorgeous Italian Cauliflower! Now, I don't normally describe veggies in such a way but LOOK AT IT!! I remember when I took a color theory class, my teacher would always say, look to nature for color inspiration and this is a perfect example. Such amazing greens...

I swear this is how the pictures came out - no photoshopping!

I would almost, almost feel guilty eating it!

This would be a beautiful simple centerpiece for a dinner party don't you think?



Unknown said...

My goodness! It looks like a crystal formation, or coral. I've never seen anything like it, vegetablewise.

ieatenchiladas said...

That thing looks poisonous! Just to be sure, can you please eat a little and wait 30 minutes before serving it to Jack. Thank you.